The Soaring Association of Canada has given the 2013 Wlater Piercy award to George for Canadian Instructor of the Year. Here is what SAC says about the award.
The Walter Piercy Award was presented to the Association in 1964 by Walter Piercy, past chairman of the Instructors committee, to be awarded to an instructor who contributes to an outstanding year to his club. This award is won essentially for achieving the most instructing flights in the club in the year, adjusted for numbers of instructors in the club and numbers of instructing flights in the club. Contributions such as organization of cross country courses, ground school lectures, club offices held, and other club positions such as being in charge of aircraft maintenance also count toward this trophy. Club CFIs submit names annually to the Flight Training & Safety committee who select the winner.
Everyone at Rideau Valley Soaring is very proud of George for earning this award. Congratulations George.