2025 fees are set. See you in the spring.
Rideau Valley Soaring is a friendly club of gliding enthusiasts operating beside the Rideau River between Manotick and Kemptville.The grass-strip airfield is situated approximately 30 minutes drive from downtown Ottawa or 25 minutes from Kanata.
Soaring -or gliding- is a wonderful experience that makes use of natural energy in the atmosphere to keep a sailplane aloft. In the right conditions a sailplane will remain airborne most of the day and can be flown hundreds of kilometers.
We can arrange an Introductory Flight for you to experience the joy of "free flight" in one of our club aircraft. Details are on the introductory flights page.
Rideau Valley Soaring operates when the weather is suitable for flying between the months of April and November. New members are welcome and flight instruction is provided on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Special arrangements can sometimes be made to receive instruction on other days.
You are welcome to visit the airfield. Directions can be found on our location page. When you arrive, please do not wander onto the grass runway or stop your vehicle on the public road at the end of the runway. This could interfere with approaching or departing aircraft and put yourself or someone else in danger. A member of the club will be happy to answer any of your questions.
Rideau Valley Soaring is an Ottawa area gliding club and a member of The Soaring Association of Canada.