FEES (2024)

5-pack pilot instruction trial

If you are unsure about learning to fly gliders, you can take a 5-pack of instructional flights. These flights are identical to those you will take as a regular student, and the time is counted toward qualifying for a Transport Canada glider pilot's license.

The cost covers the aerotow launch and glider rental for your first five lessons. At the end of your five lessons, you decide whether to join the club to continue your training. You must join during the current gliding season, or the following season for a purchase made after August 31.

Cost $600
Credit $200 credit is applied to your account when you join the club.
  The 5-pack is available to new members only.

The 5-pack may be withdrawn at any time. This is likely to happen at periods when student numbers are high.

Annual membership fees

When you join Rideau Valley Soaring, you also join the Soaring Association of Canada. The club collects fees for both organisations and forwards the SAC portion on your behalf. Cheques should be made payable to "Rideau Valley Soaring". Email money transfer can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 To July 31  

Mid Year

August 1

 Rideau Valley SoaringSACTotalRideau Valley SoaringSACTotal
Adult 670 80 750 335 40 375
Spouse 490 40 530 245 20 265
Junior 360 40 400 180 20 200
Youth 360 n/a 360 180 n/a 180
Tow Pilot 490 80 570 245 40 285


Members aged 19 to 21 inclusive, or to age 25 if a student in full time attendance at an accredited post-secondary learning institution at the start of the membership year.
Youth includes air cadets and other members 18 years of age and under at the start of the membership year.
Married partner, common-law partner, conjugal partner.
mid year
Mid year membership is payable from August 1 and is available to NEW MEMBERS only.
The Soaring Association of Canada is an amateur sports organisation. Official tax receipts are issued by SAC and distributed with your membership card.
Self launch
Available to owners of self-launch gliders who wish to operate from RVSS. This category of membership excludes use of club gliders or the tow plane for any reason. The club's facilities and ground handling equipment such as lawn tractors may be used.

Discount flight packages

A one-time fee that reduces or eliminates the hourly rental rate of all the club gliders.

Ab InitiosSolo or licencedPrivate owner
300 300 165

Aircraft rental

 Without package With package 
Aircraft$ / hrMax charge per flight$ / hrMax charge per flight
2-33 26 78 0 0
1-34 29 87 8 24
ASK-21 50 150 28 84
Grob 103 45 135 23 69
LS4 45 135 23 69


$ / hr
Flight time is charged per-minute.
Max charge per flight
Charges are capped at three hours for flights of longer duration.
An overtime charge of $1.14/minute (at the discretion of the field manager) will be levied for weekend flights that exceed 1 hour in duration if there is a queue for the glider. An in-flight radio call can clear the pilot for extra time.

Launch fees (release height above ground)

There is a $10 hookup fee and a charge of $1.40 per hundred feet. The tow pilot records your release altitude.


Example release

height AGL

HookupCost per 100 ftTotal
1000 ft 10 1.40 24.00
1100 ft 10 1.40 25.50
1400 ft 10 1.40 29.60
1800 ft 10 1.40 35.20
2000 ft 10 1.40 38.00
2500 ft 10 1.40 45.00
3000 ft 10 1.40 52.00

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