How to register, after you have joined the club.
Hello, and welcome to the club. If you are visiting this page, you should have already filled in a membership application and retained the bottom section which contains your unique registration number.
To complete your electronic registration, follow the three steps in the guide below. Please click each step.
Step 1. Contact the webmaster. Provide your unique membership number.

Send a message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Include the unique membership number shown on the retained portion of your application form. Your online accounts cannot be registered without the membership number.
Proceed to Step 2.
Step 2. Create your own account.
Fill in the registration details as shown in the example below. Click on the example to open the account creation page now.

* We only need your name, email and password. You can simply enter a dot for other "mandatory" fields like postal address etc.
Click Register and a confirmation message will appear in your inbox. Confirm your registration request.
Click Register. You will see an error message "Could not instantiate mail function.". Your account is created, but not accessible. Send another message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. giving your Username and Name. We will activate your account. You can't login until this manual process is complete.

* We only need your name, email and password. You can simply enter a dot for other "mandatory" fields like postal address etc.
Click Register and a confirmation message will appear in your inbox. Confirm your registration request.
Click Register. You will see an error message "Could not instantiate mail function.". Your account is created, but not accessible. Send another message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. giving your Username and Name. We will activate your account. You can't login until this manual process is complete.
Proceed to step 3.
Step 3. Relax.

Relax. The webmaster has received your activation requests. Your accounts will take up to one week to be ready.